Aktuelle Seminare & Kurse 2025



   - Klassenmanagement

   - Inklusion

   - Konfliktmanagement

   -  Mentoring

   - Elternarbeit

   - Krisenkompetenz




Ort: Graz

Termine individuell auf Anfrage




Termine individuell nach Vereinbarung



Mag. Ute Kienzl

Sternwirtweg 22b

8047 Graz - Austria


Tel/Fax: +43(0)316/303765

Mobil: +43(0)664/9432258

Mail: ute.kienzl@gmx.at

Hinweis: Bitte die mit * gekennzeichneten Felder ausfüllen.






Foto Mag. Ute Kienzl
Foto Mag. Ute Kienzl
  • Supervision for individuals, teams and groups in the sectors of education, health and social work
  • Leading of seminars and training courses in Gestalt pedagogy for teachers in the fields of kindergarten, school, higher education, social education and adult educators 
  • Guiding of school and team development processes (in collaboration with members of GPV)





Schools often experience teaching situations; in which learning is becoming increasingly difficult due to a growing number of individual learning disorders, collective refusals to learn, conflicts and other instructional disturbances. Many of these difficulties seem to be caused by heterogeneous in terms of culture, language, achievement and social background.

In our courses participants from different countries experience such a kind of situation. By means of this important chance to encounter new experiences, new ways of acting and vocational perspectives can be gained. Working with biographic experiences shows cultural differences and humanistic common elements as well, and it develops not only empathy and intercultural competence, but it is part of basic peace-making.



The aim of Gestalt school development is to realize the potential of intellectual and mental development of all students. 






The conditions for the achievement of the objecitve are:


• open and anxiety-free relationships between teachers and students

• creative ways of teaching

• good classroom communities

• good team spirit in the teaching staff and a good school atmosphere

• professional cooperation with the parents


It is a procedure to increase the educating abilities. Special aspects of the continuing learning process in Gestalt pedagogy are:

To refine awareness and reflection, the consideration of one´s personal learning history, the experiential realization of one's creative potency,  and a special way of dealing with resistance.











It emerged as a "third force" alongside psychoanalysis and behaviorism and turned against the scientific research paradigm. It is based on a human image that is based on the connection between body, soul and spirit. Their basic position is value-oriented and would like to have a humanizing effect on human living conditions on all their levels. Therapeutic action is tied to the respect for human dignity and to its potential for activity and development (see Ilse Bürmann, 2014).


If executives feel something is not running around in their sphere of influence, they can be attributed to external causes and try to change something. However, they can also start with themselves and, with professional help, tap their own style of management and self-management to determine whether they still meet the requirements, so that they can make changes more specifically and with improved strategies. In order to use coaching, the size of the sphere of influence is not decisive, e.g. Not just guilty leaders, but also teachers, not just managers, but also foremen. Even parents are leaders in their families.



In every community of people conflicts arise, simply because there are differences of interests. If the team or the leader realizes that they are no longer able to find a solution with which all parties can live, they will turn to a specialist who does not have their own interests in the conflict.

Sometimes, clashes are also carried out destructively: the working climate deteriorates, the work and the individual humans suffer, and energies are wasted senselessly.

At such a point, team supervision can help to analyze the reasons behind an agreement and gain clarity about the different interests.

Often, no particular problem is at the forefront, but the mood is diffuse negative. Opinions are contradictory, but are not discussed openly. In such a situation, team supervision is urgently recommended to find out what the reason for the latent dissatisfaction is.

This is a delicate process, the outcome of which depends on how much the members and the leader are willing to expose themselves and to speak in front of the other plain text.

Teamupervision is therefore valuable, because it has to be all-party. It is intended to help the team members not only to look at their problems from their personal standpoints, but also to move to an "elevated" location by means of appropriate methods so that they can gain an overview of the problem situation and find common solutions.



In spite of a good reflexivity, it can happen again and again that in working with people in retrospect, one does not lose the feeling that a working situation leaves a strange "echo". Perhaps in the process of the case their own experiences interfered and the clear vision prevented, without one would have noticed.

In such a case, it is worthwhile to look more closely at the supervision. By using appropriate methods, situations can be updated and unconscious connections discovered. In this way freed from their own "contaminated sites", the specialist can not only turn to the case with a new clarity, but also gain personal competence and strengthen their own professionalism.

If team-up is a team, it can be very instructive for all team members, but it requires a working environment in which the desire for professionalism prevails over potential competition and other conflict potential.


It is a process for gaining information to important reference persons and for developing new perspectives on one's own experience and behavior. By linking current problems and questions with the family system, inhibitory and distorting patterns of relationships can be recognized, reflected and modified, so that little-used potentials and resources can be better grasped and exhausted in the current life (vgl. http://bmg.gv.at/cms/home/attachments/3/9/0/CH1273/CMS1138647008755/aufstellungsarbeit_in_psychotherapie_und_beratung_-_information_des_bmg.pdf ).

I offer family presentations in collaboration with Ingrid Schweiger, psychotherapist (TA)


It is a scientifically based healing method and assumes that body and soul are a unity. Diseases, symptoms, or empties are therefore either the cause or expression of mental imbalance (see ÖBVP).



If you are interested in psychotherapy, please contact Ingrid Schweiger, see "KONTAKT"