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Ort: Graz
Termine individuell auf Anfrage
Termine individuell nach Vereinbarung
Mag. Ute Kienzl
Sternwirtweg 22b
8047 Graz - Austria
Tel/Fax: +43(0)316/303765
Mobil: +43(0)664/9432258
The basis of my work is Gestalt pedagogy, by which the personal, social and educational skills may be promoted. The realization of one's learning history fosters the understanding of the own and others´ values and constructions of reality, and is the basis for an unprejudiced and respectful interaction with others. The differentiation of perception and reflectivity as well as the raising of the creative potential allow a special deal with difficult situations and conflicts (see Jörg Bürmann 1997).
Gestalt work was developed and made known by Fritz and Lore Perls, Paul Goodman and George Brown on the basis of Gestalt psychology. Based on "Confluent Education", Gestalt pedagogy was introduced and spread in Germany by Hilarion Petzold and his renowned "Fritz Perls Institut". By Jörg Bürmann, the long-time Head of Department for Gestalt pedagogy at this institute, and who was the leader of my Gestalt training, it was made one of the main sources of inspiration for my life and my work as a teacher.
The systemic approach is also important for me, I don´t see a theoretical contradiction between Gestalt work and Systemic work, between phenomenology and constructivism, because, if I understood Matthias Varga von Kibéd correctly, on one hand the phenomenological thinking is a construct , on the other hand , constructivism a phenomenon.
Systemic constellations: 1996 Institut für Familientherapie und Systemberatung (G. Baxa / C.Essen)
Supervision: 1993 Systemische Supervision / Organisationsentwicklung
Institut für Strukturelle Wahrnehmung
(W.Schüers/J. Brandau)
1991 Integrative Supervision
Pädagogisches Institut des Bundes in Steiermark
(A. Schreyögg / N.Belardi)
Gestalt pedagogy: 1990
Pädagogisches Institut des Bundes in Steiermark
(J. Bürmann/ A. Lindmaier)
Marriage- and Family counselling: 1977
Schule für Ehe- und Familienberater der Diözese
Graz-Seckau (W.Gruber / U. Lukan)
1 Communication, self-management 2005-2013:
for trainees and students (Schule für allgemeine Gesundheits- und Krankenpflege am Landeskrankenhaus Universitätsklinikum Graz, Medinische Universität Graz)
2 Leader of training courses for Gestalt pedagogy 1995 - 2013:
for teachers of all school types from many countries of Europe (Lehrerberatungszentrum Graz, Kulturservice, Landesschulrat für Steiermark, Pädagogische Hochschule Steiermark, European Commission, Gestaltpädaogische Vereinigung-e.V.)
3 Supervision / Team Development 1991-2013:
for teams (home nursing, associations for mental and social life coaching, social psychiatric services, women's counseling, disability assistance), schools (teaching staff, school community committee) open groups (refugee´ hosts, teachers and nurses)
4 Teacher of Physics and Mathematics on Secondary schools 1971-2003:
Landesschulrat für Steiermark, Verein Modellschule Graz
1997-2013: member of the managing committee of the teachers´couselling center, LBZ Graz
2003-2011: chairwoman of the Gestalt Pedagogic Association GPV-e.V.,Berlin