Aktuelle Seminare & Kurse 2025



   - Klassenmanagement

   - Inklusion

   - Konfliktmanagement

   -  Mentoring

   - Elternarbeit

   - Krisenkompetenz




Ort: Graz

Termine individuell auf Anfrage




Termine individuell nach Vereinbarung



Mag. Ute Kienzl

Sternwirtweg 22b

8047 Graz - Austria


Tel/Fax: +43(0)316/303765

Mobil: +43(0)664/9432258

Mail: ute.kienzl@gmx.at

Hinweis: Bitte die mit * gekennzeichneten Felder ausfüllen.






This seminar opened new horizons for me.... I like Gestalt because it is very open. It is not just a theory and not only the past is important. Every person has its own point of view, its own experiments in life. I also liked the dynamics of the group. The others give you new perspectives, that couldn’t be found if you would try to solve problems on your own. Complete strangers can feel you and give you new ideas and open a new way... Gestalt is becoming more and more important for me. ... I have learned a lot of very useful things that help me in every day life. ..M.S. from Slovenia, 2013



I learned a lot about myself . I am still under influence of those two weeks , because I think I' ve opened up some things which I could not resolve by myself . I am thankful for the experience and for all the people I met. M. C. , Slovenia 2013


Now, I am more sensitive to my feelings and I can say ‘stop’ if I am tired because of being with people. I have learned to have a more open mind for other people and to be sure that they have also emotions which they may want to share. Even if the time in Celje was hard for me, I do not regret that I was there. B. K. from Poland, 2013


Je pense a cette formation intéressante assez souvent... ( M. C. from France, 2011)


I got many good examples how it shall be in a classroom with pupils and I spent time with two wonderful ladies Ute and Ingrid did led our group through whole program with mothers´ touch. I took with me good people, deep conversations, creativity, self-awareness and different exercises which made me more Me (N. V. from Slovenia, 2011)



This experience Convinced me it's not enough to study complicated educational strategies to achieve achievement a more difficult situation of communication and relationship with the students . You have to feel you can pierce the pure labyrinth of the child 's soul and only the love is did whichwill guide me with was so I never will be lost . Love is the most efficient method and genuine ! The child feels me if I'm on his side ! The cold professional with a false smile and kind , who is never angry and always keeps his control , will Obtain Successes only ephemeral , but never genuine victories ! In this way it's impossible to get into the child 's soul ! The teacher who loves his students , sometimes is angry and suffers When his students can not learn , do not want to learn or do not know. He wants to be loved by his students and for his little pedagogical mistake the students wants to forgive him . The success does not come only from a conscientious learning of the pedagogical rules and Their ill- application , but it can come by a special inspiration did sometimes can be a correct application of unknown pedagogical method . A genuine educator first time he borns and after he forms himself!

A.N. from Romania , 2007


I think it is very positive to promote this kind of philosophy , it facilitates people´s better understanding the others. In consequence they obtain a more righteous world , avoiding lots of prejudice . Not to mention the fact that people may be more aware creating their authentic thoughts .

In education it helps to make each lesson unique, one- and-only as a result I pay more attention explaining things . That fact is somehow noticed by students as they also pay more attention . ...Especially , it is very useful for understanding people or in our case students from different background . Z. E. from Spain, 2006.


The use of what I learned, consists in greater attention to the area of intrapersonal, interpersonal and extrapersonal and the confluence of the three. This implies a use of dialogue as an integral part of the curriculum. ...Getting closer to somebody else requires starting from getting closer to ourselves. A. C. From Italy, 2006


I see in this seminar , how to combine work and life, these experiences are very important to me - the combination of theory and practice. I feel better as a teacher , it is a good method , it was a good decision , I make better steps and I met many arguments for my colleagues. It was good, that Ingrid was there as a psychotherapist . I am glad to know this part of Austria , the people are as friendly as in Greece, my feelings are quite warm. M.A. from Greece, 2001




I have got the ability to listen to others, and I am able to realize the sensitivity of others, and to respect their personal space. And I have understood something else: I have to give more respect to myself, then I can improve the relationships to my pupils. From this course I have got new friends, moral and spiritual wealth, and maybe a different view of myself. G.M. from Italy, 2000




Also my pupils have an intensive life, full of feelings and it is important to help them, to get more knowledge about them, to understand them. What can I do in order to help them to express themselves? I have thought al lot about in which way I should change my way of teaching, in order to make learning really useful and interesting for them. C.C. from Italy, 2000



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